Good Old Yorkshire Welcome   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


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Pie Club History

It came to my notice recently that there is a new trendy illness around called ortharexia nervosa.

As I like to see myself as a trend setter, there is not a cat in hells chance of me get­ting this condition, because its an obsession with healthy eating; and as anyone who knows me well will tell you. Food is right up there with wine when it comes to my pleasure zones.


I spent my weekend eating and thinking at two birthday bashes, hut still found room on Tuesday night for three, yes three, courses at one of my favourite watering holes, the Old Bridge Inn in Ripponden The pub which is believed to he the oldest in Yorkshire (records show it dates back to 13O7) has been the Lindsay Eton Walkers family since 1963. her late grandma, Daisy Beaumont and her uncle Ian Beaumont, one of Rippondens most: colourful characters, ran the pub till 2001 when Lindsay took It over with her husband, Tim. Its still very much a tradi­tional pub that sticks to a tried and tested formula. No music or gaming machines lust interesting ales independent brewers, a real fire; antique furniture and a good old Yorkshire welcome. That welcome includes food. Horne cooked seasonal stuff which is Locally sourced where possible, and cooked, by Lindsay and 23-year-old Yvonne Lumb.

The pub has always had a reputation for good food since Ians days, and still has today thanks in no small part to its lunch-time . carvery (which was started in 1963), its evening blackboard menu (usually seven, starters and sweets and eight mains which change on a regular basis) and its annual pork pie contest which attracts interest from all over the country.

While home made pies and retro puddings Like ginger sponge, sticky toffee and bread and butter, are always on the evening ,menu there ace lots of new, more con­temporary dishes on offer thanks to Yvonne, who trained in London and spent three months working along side celebrity chef, Gary Rhodes and she is still in contact with hirn.

They include soy and Chilli duck breast with pak-choi and Anna potatoes; sea bass fillet on crushed wild garlic potatoes, spinach and sun blessed tomatoes and king scallops with chorizo and celenac puree.

My son stuck with tradi­tional meat and potato pie with mushy peas (lots of meat and the short crust pas­try was worth a mention he told me) while I went on the recommendations of friends. A well known barris­ter will tell anyone who cares to listen that the crispy chilli beef salad with sesame oil can not be faulted, while another regular assured me the strawberry and raspberry fool with toasted oats was to die for. And they are right.

The oats are baked in the oven like a huge biscuit with flour, sugar and butter and topped with a layer of pureed strawberries and raspberries and a whipped cream, sugar and custard mix. A heavenly fool if I do say so.

It lust about beats the salad starter. Strips of beef are coat­ed in flour Seasoned with dif­ferent spices and chilli oil before being deep fried. They sit on a bed of leaves which are drizzled with Tabasco. You need courage to eat this because it really packs a punch; I had risotto for mains. This came with crab, broad beans, tomato and tar­ragon. I firmly believe you can tell a good risotto by the first mouthful. If all you can taste is the rice, forget it. Luckily the first thing that hit my taste buds was the crab. Not overwhelming just immaculately composed The bill with one glass wine of and numerous cokes came to £34 Before you go thinking I am Mrs Greedy.

You need to know one thing I had a starter sized risotto so maybe just maybe Ive got a touch of ortharexia nervosa after all!


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