July 2011   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


July 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2011

Pork Pie Meeting Saturday 16th 2011 

World events

Rebbeca Brooks has resigned from News International.

Rupert Murdock and his son ordered to be questioned by parliment.

Army, Navy, and RAF forces reduced, Territorial Army to step into their boots due to costcuttung.

5 people killed in an explosion in Boston, Linconshire, illegal vodka distillery suspected.

£161 million won by a couple from Ayreshire, Scotland. It was the biggest win in history.

Italy is the next country to be hit by the debt crisis.


Fernando Alonso wins British Grand Prix

Terrible weather at the Golf British Open


Mark Sweet pastry like a bakers pie, very dry, no jelly. Salty meat, finely ground, needed more pepper.

Score 5.5/10

Bruce Nice looking pie, but pastry a bit soft, nice jelly, meat a bit spongy, need more pepper. Not fresh.

Score 6.0/10

Kevin Was it fresh? Dry, tasteless pastry, short on jelly, not well filled, lacked flavours but too much salt.

Score 5.0/10


Fetcher Kevin

Fetch ex-Cryers butchers now a sandwich shop.

Price £1

Average 5.5

Pork Pie Meeting Saturday 23rd July 2011

World events

Atrocity in Norway over 80 people dead. Bomb blast & multiple shooting.

Amy Winehouse found dead aged 27.

Nurse arrested following deaths at Stepping Hill, Stockport.

Last space shuttle, Atlantis, lands back safe and sound.

Rupert Murdock & his son appears in front of Parliament.


First week of Scottish football season.

First British athlete qualifies for London Olymics 2012.

Darren Clark wins Golf British Open.


Bruce: Large pie, thick fresh pastry, lots of tasty jelly. Flavoursome meat,nice spices, ultra-fresh.

Score   9.0/10

Kevin: Very unattractive pie.  Didn't look appetising. Sheep in wolf's clothing.  Fresh, crunchy pastry.  Tasty jelly,lots of sage, pepper, coarse lean meat.  Ultrafresh - fantastic pie.

Score   9.5/10

Mark:  Nice pastry, sloppy jelly.  Lots of spice but too much salt.  Must have dropped the salt pot into it.

Score   7.5/10

Malcolm:  Very pleased with the pastry, pliability.  Good jelly, bit salty.

Score   7.5/10

Howard: Nice looking.  Fresh and light pastry,plenty of jelly, meat coarse.  Peppery and slightly salty.

Score   9.0/10

Fred:  I got the pie from a different batch!  Doughy, too much pastry,  liked the coarseness and jelly, but not the pastry.

Score   8.0/10


Fetcher   Fred

Fetch   D. Firth, Garforth

Price   £1.25

Average   8.6

Pie Meeting Saturday 30th July 2011

World Events

America still on the brink of bankruptcy.

Mark on Channel 5 with Gabby Logan talking pork pies.

Piers Morgan allegedly involved in phone hacking.


England beat India in first test match.

Sky take over half of F1 racing from 2012 - 2018, BBC trying to save money.


No pies this week. Confusion over who should bring them!


Pie Club Images


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