October 2011   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


October 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2011

Pie Meeting Saturday 1st October 2011

World Events

Best weather in years. Hottest Oct day since records began. 29.5 somewhere in the UK.

Americans have killed another top ranking Al quaeda official.

Ed Miliband has proposed that we support producers not predetors! What does he mean?

David Croft writer of HI De Hi and Dads Army died.

Shark bites off the legs of swimmer who was warned not to go in the water.


England beat Scotland in  Rugby World Cup 16 -12. First time they have met on non UK soil.

Tevis refuses to come on to the pitch and fined two weeks wages by Man Cty.

Liverpool beat Everton 2 - 0


Mark claims it was not his turn to fetch pies! Peter brought a Scotch beef pie.

All enjoyed it but no marks this week because it was not pork. Tim came to the rescue with a plate of lovely Scotch eggs.

Pie Meeting Saturday 8th October 2011

World Events

Amanda Knox and her boyfriend found not guilty on appeal of murder of Meridith Kercher in Italy 4 years ago. A book and film deal worth $5 - $15 Million said to be offered.

Steve Jobs of Apple  dies at 56.

Conservative conference issue over human rghts.Teresa May said that an illegal immigrant could stay because he had a cat! Which was wrong.

Howard asked " Where  is the President of the Pie Club"  Is he a man or a myth.


Leeds win Super league Rugby.

England draw with Montenegro and qualify for Euro 2012

England lose to France in Rugby.


Peter   Crisp pastry, shiny top, well filled with chunky meat, tasty.

Score   8.0/10

Fred   Too much pastry, enjoyed it. Meat was missing something.

Score   8.5/10

Howard   Nice looking pastry but dry and lacked flavour. Nice tasty meat and jelly overwhelmed with pastry.

Score   7.0/10

Tim   Nice pastry, too much jelly, Lacked in spice. Enjoyed it though.

Score   8.0/10

Mark   First time I have agreed with Tim on a pie, so as above and it did have pepper.

Score   8.5/10

Bruce   Nice size, well glazed, crisp dry pastry, tasty small pieces of meat interlaced with jelly.Fresh and I liked it.

Score   9.0/10


Fetcher   Bruce

Fetch   J A Mounfield of Bubwith, Selby

Price   £1.20

Average   8.2

Pie Meeting Saturday 15th October 2011

World Events

Betty Driver from Coronation Street dies at 91.

Liam Fox resigns as Defence Secretary.

Oliver Letvern putting top secret papers in park bin.

M62 is 40 years old today.

Bruce Forsyth knighted.

Protests in London and Rome against bankers being bailouts from taxpaper.


Wales robbed of final of Rugby World Cup by France.

West Ham bid for Olympic Stadium fall through.

Rules on use of whip in horse racing changed to deliver less blows.


John   Man sized pie, well filled, compact meat, peppery. Pastry a little thick.

Score   8.0/10

Kevin   Looked good, thick soft pastry, full of bland stodgy meat, needed a kick of taste.

Score   4.5/10

Howard   Nnicely presented pie, soft pastry, a landlords pie.Pastry salty, meat salty. Glad to finish it.

Score   6.0/10

Mark   Nice looker, soft pastry but tasty pastry, no jelly, meat was compact, afterburn taste and enjoyed it.

Score   8.0/10

Bruce   Well glazed, large pie. Pastry was soft but tasty. No jelly but the meat was coarse, compact and tasty. Nice afterburn. A good pie and enjoyed it.

Score   8.5/10

Peter   Good looker, well glazed. Pastry was soft and tasty, No jelly but who cares. Tasty meat, salty and very well filled.

Score   8.5/10

Phil   Salty meat and pastry, jelly must have gone into the pastry.

Score   7.5/10


Fetcher   Phil

Fetch   Cross of Dewsbury.

Price   £1

Average   7.3

Pie Meeting Saturday 22nd October 2011

No World Events or Sport recorded this week as it was a very short meeting and there was only time for the pie results.
Kevin   Small, perfectly formed pie, ultra fresh,crisp pastry, taste of Basil in there and meat with lots of flavour.

Score   9.0/10
Howard   Small pie with good colour,wafer thin pastry,  tasty meat, really enjoyed it.

Score   9.0/10
Graham   Looked good and tasted great. A cracking pie.

Score   9.0/10
David   Wholesome appearance, well filled with meat. Crispy pastry. Juicy coarse meat. Really great pie.

Score   9.0/10


Fetcher   Lindsey Eaton - Walker, Landlady of the Old Bridge Inn

Fetch   Lindsey Eaton - Walker, Landlady of the Old Bridge Inn.

Price   Priceless and provided by Lindsey Eaton - Walker, Landlady of the Old Bridge Inn.

Average   9

Pie Meeting Saturday 29th October 2011

World Events

Jimmy Saville dies of Pneumonia aged 84.

Quantas flights grounded because of strike.

Vincent Tabak guilty of Bristol Landescape architect murder.

New President of Ireland elected.

Laws of sucession to the throne amended to allow first born female to take the throne.


New Zealand beat France in World Cup Rugby.

England beat Wales in Rugby League.

Man City beat Man Utd 6 - 1 at Old Trafford.

Inaugural Indian Grand Prix is tomorrow and Vettal in pole.


Mark   Well filed, thin pastry, needed more jelly and more pepper.

Score   7.5/10

Tim   Crispy pastry, lacked spice, not bad.

Score   7.0/10

Gillian   Quite nice, more pepper needed.

Score   7.5/10

Howard   Lovely looking pie. Nice taste, plenty of meat and jelly. Tasty.

Score   9.0/10

Megan (Guest)   Nice amount of meat, dry pastry.

Score   7.0/10

Peter   Big pie, crispy pastry, tasty meat. A jolly good pie.

Score   8.0/10


Fetcher   Peter

Fetch   Brosters of Lindley Moor  Huddersfield

Price   ??

AVerage   7.6


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