December 2011   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


December 2011 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2011

Pie Meeting Saturday 10th December 2011

World Events

John Denney, founder member of Pie Club died last week at age 65.

Women to be allowed on Submarines. Where is there left for men only areas - Pie Club?

Cameron vetos new European treaty for financial rules on member states.

Freak storms in Scotland and North Yorkshire.


Man Utd out of European Cup.

Olympic opening ceremony now gets another £40 million to make it spectacular.


Peter   Big handsome pie. Crispy pastry, well filled but dry with little jelly.

Score   8.5/10

Phil   Fantastic looking pie. Short on salt in meat, pastry and jelly.

Score   7.0/10

John   Uniform looking pie. Well filled, succulent but missed flavour.

Score   8.5/10

Tim   God looker Meat short of seasoning. Over baked but good pie.

Score   8.0/10

Bruce   Fresh crisp pastry. Well filled lots of jelly. Lacked spices. Had makings of an execellent pie.

Score   8.0/10


Fetcher   Bruce

Fetch   Bolster Moor Farm Shop.

Price   £1.10

Average   8.0

Pie Meeting Saturday 17th December 2011

World Events

475 people die in Philipines land slide in flash flood.

USA comes out of Iraq after 1 Trillion $ spend.

Christopher Hitchens author and journalist has died at 62.

David Cameron says  that UK is a Christian country and tolerant of other religions.

David Cameron vetos the new EU treaty.

France says UK is in a worse off financially than them.


Halifax won 6 - 1 against Hinkley United.

Jed Trump wins UK Snooker Championship.

The whole of the UK Armed Forces appear to be on duty for the Olympics.


Cryers of Ovenden, Halifax not marked because this week we had them with peas and it was the Christmas Party!


Pie Club Images


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