May 2012   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


May 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2012


Pie Meeting Saturday 5th May 2012



World Events

Pie Club on One Show last night!

Boris gets in as Mayor of London, Coalition Goverment hammered in local elections.

The Scream painting  by Munch got £74 million at auction.

Chinese buy  60  stake in Wheatabix brand valued at 1.2 billion 


Chelsea win 2 - 1 against Liverpool in FA Cup.

Manchester City beat Man Utd in League match! 

Pie One

Tim   Not enough of time in the oven. No jelly. Pastry was dough. Nice if baked. Meat not bad.

Score   4.0/10

Howard   Very pale pastry. Rustic looking. Dough pastry.Meat very tasty. Good texture.Well filled. Lacked jelly.

Score   7.5/10

Peter   Very underdone. Dry as a cream cracker. Lots of meat that was porky but needed more spice.

Score   5.0/10

Kevin   Looked like a snowball, thick dry pastry, like eating a Wheatbix. Granular meat, spicy, no jelly at all, OK pie.

Score   6.0/10


Fetcher   Kevin

Fetch   Old Bakery Bretheton Lancashire.

Price   £1

Average   5.6

Pie Two

Guest Fetch from Jean and Ron Nuttall of Nottingham.

Tim   Nicely glazed hand raised pie. Nice tasting meat. Tasty.well seasoned.

Score   7.0/10

Howard   Nice crispy pastry. Meat lovely,well spiced. Onion flavour. Plenty of jelly.

Score   8.5/10

Peter   Rustic appearance. Nice well done colour. Very short thickish pastry but tasty. Chunky  lean meat. Onion flavour. Great texture.

Score   8.0/10

Kevin   Traditional hand raised pie. Short but thin pastry. Chunky succulent meat Lots of afterburn. Fantastic  pie.

Score   8.5/10


Fetcher   Jean and Ron Nuttall

Fetch   Jean and Ron Nuttall of Nottingham.

Price   ??

Average   8.0 

Jean explained that meat was belly pork, seasoning ground pepper and salt and mustard powder. 
The Pie Club look forward to the Nuttalls entering the competition next year.

Pie Meeting Saturday 12th May 2012

World Events

House fire in Derby. 5 Children die, 1 in intensive care,28 year old woman arrested.

Suicide bomber in Syria killed over 60 people and hundreds injured. 

Vidal Sassoon dies at 84.

The drought has now been officially rained off. 


Halifax knocked out in playoff semi- final.

Olympic torch lit in Greece but blows out.

Amir Khan’s  boxing opponent who won their title fight banned for drug taking.


Mark   Fresh pie.Jelly had soaked into the pastry and softened it. Fine ground meat with lots of spice, great jelly, enjoyed it.

Score   8.0/10

Tim   Very fatty pastry, salty meat with little other seasoning. Horrid.

Score   3.0/10

Kevin   Ordinary looking pie with a big hole in the top. Thick dry pastry. Not much jelly.

Score   6.5/10

Howard   Very salty, coarse meat, fell apart.

Score   6.5


Fetcher   Howard

Fetch   Old Pork and Meat Shop ,Shay Lane Halifax.

Price   £1

Average   5.3

Pie Meeting Saturday 19th May 2012


World Events

Will Greece leave the Euro? It is in the balance. 

Rebecca Brookes Ex Chief Exec of News International  charged with perverting the course of justice. 

Face Book launched on NY stock exchange,it is worth over over £100 billion. 


Manchester City win thePremier  League in the dying secs of the game against QPR. Man Utd are gutted, they were second and would have won if City had drawn!

Olympic Torch has arrived in UK.

Jonathan Brownlee from Dewsbury wins World Series  Triatholon in San Diago.

Peter   Dainty, shallow pie. Well glazed.Crunchy thin pastry. Tasty peppery meat. Very fresh. A  verygood pie.

Score   8.5/10

Mark   Very fresh pie. Lovely tasty pastr y with crusty castalations. Meat was sausage meat texture. Great taste though.

Score   8.5/10

Tim   Greasy looking. Crunchy pastry.No jelly. Pepper but litle other seasoning.

Score   6.0/10

Howard   Crispy tasty pastry. Fine ground meat. Plenty of taste.Did need more seasoning. Enjoyed it.

Score   8.0/10


Fetcher   Howard

Fetch   Metcalfes of Cleckheaton

Price   £1

Average   7.7

Pie Meeting Saturday 26th May 2012

World Events

Planted a memorial tree and commemorated it with a stone plaque. Bob's family and friends attended.

Vince Cable rejects Tory call for reduced employement rights.

19 year old weighing 60 stone had to be cut out of her house for medical treatment.

Middlemass Butchers, Pie Club finalists apprehend a villian and cautioned for assault!


Huddersfield Town win at Wembley on penalties, now in the Championship.

Chelsea win European Cup on penalities. Drogba scored in 88th min to equalise and on penalties.


Peter   Neat, compact looking pie. Not happy at jelly on the top of the pie. Thin fresh pastry  Well filled. Finely ground meat. More seasoning needed.

Score   6.5/10

Kevin   Not the best looking pie in the World. Far too much jelly on top of the pie which made it soggy on top. Crunchy crispy pastry on the bottom. Fresh, compact spicy meat, finely ground. Tasted better than it looked. Susprisingly good.

Score   7.5/10

Tim   Covered in jelly on top. Soggy pastry. Jelly did not taste of anything. Meat is Pek chopped pork but smoother and fattier.

Score   3.0/10

Mark   Agreed with others. Jelly should be in not on top of the pie. Meat was compacted.Quite spicey and flavoursome. Enjoyed it.

Score   7.5/10


Fetcher   Mark

Fetch   Diggles Farm Foods, Bury Market

Price   £1.19

Average   6.1


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