June 2012   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


June 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2012

Pie Meeting Saturday 23rd June 2012

World Events

Floods in West Yorkshire after continuous rain.

Aung San Swkyi Burmese Opposition leader in Britain this week after getting Noble Peace Prize 20 years  late.

Jimmy Carr outed as a tax avoider and paying only 1% tax.

Greece vote in Pro Euro Party. 


England win the group in European Cup. England win against Ulkraine with a goal against that was not seen!


Mark   Soft pastry, big pie, heavy, not much jelly moist meat. Quite tasty.

Score   7.5/10

Peter   Big meaty pie. Crispish and fresh pastry.  Tasty, well filled. Liked it.

Score   8.0/10

Tim   Good sized. Peppery, Not a bad pie.

Score   7.0/10

Howard   Average sized pie. Pastry nice and fresh. Plenty of jelly. Too much salt. No pepper in mine.

Score   6.0/10

Bruce   Good sized pie. Fresh crispy crunchy pastry. Nice tasty jelly. Well filled. Coarse tasty meat, lots of afterburn.

Score   9.0/10 


Fetcher   Bruce

Fetch   Lund's of Keithley.(3rd in 2012 competition.)

Price   £1.10

Average   7.5

Pie Meeting Saturday 30th June 2012


World Events

Andrew Jones closes pie shop in Brighouse & sells shop (but still trading) in Huddersfield.

Barclays fined about 300 million for fixing the Libor rate.

More floods, this time in the North East & Shropshire.

It has been the wettest 3 month period since records began.

Olympic torch goes through Brighouse, Halifax & Leeds.

63 year old convict escapes from Pentonville Prison using bed sheets tied together.


Leeds United close to a deal with a Middle East consortium, dare the supperters dream!

Bradford Bulls on the brink.

Wimbledon has started & Nadal knocked by 100th placed Croatioan.

Euro 2012 final is between Italy & Spain.


Howard   Interesting burnt offering with a toffee top which I am still trying to scrape off the back of my teeth! Plent of jelly, the meat was very finely ground, with little taste other than pepper. Didn't enjoy it.

Score   4.0/10

Bruce   Nice looking golden pie, well glazed. Ultra fresh, tasty pastry, plently of delicious jelly. Weird looking grey coloured meat, finely ground, bit still tasty. Load of afterburn. All in all, I really liked it.

Score   8.5/10

Tim   Well glazed pie if not slightly overcooked. On the cross-section, well filled with jelly in all the right places. Meat distintly grey looking, the pastry did stick to the roof of your mouth. The jelly was tastless, as was the meat apart from huge quantities of pepper. However because of the care & attention it had and the glazing, it had potential.

Score   6.0/10

Mark   Lovely tasty crispy pastry, spoit by a sticky glaze that I couldn't get off my teeth. Loads of jelly, full of meat with tasted like beef. Full of flavour & afterburn.

Score   7.5/10

Kevin   Good looking, shiny as a cricket ball, thin tasty pastry. Lots of jelly, very finely ground spicy meat. Fresh. A 60 year old recipe. Liked it.

Score   9.0/10


Fetcher   Kevin

Fetch   Trevor Wadsworth Quarnby, Huddersfield

Price   £1

Average   7.0


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