October 2012   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


October 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2012

Pie Meeting Saturday 13th October 2012


World Events

Jimmy Saville’s headstone smashed and grave grassed over.

Red Cross distribute aid in Spain due to financial situation.

Queen laid up with a bad back.

British gas price hike.

Taliban shoot Pakistani girl who made a stand against the removal of education for girls.


England beat San Marino 5-1 but make heavy weather of it.

Lance Armstrong stripped of his Tour de France titles.

Murray beats Federer to get to Final.


Tim   Good pie, pastry a bit thick.

Score   8.0/10

Mark   Most handsome pie I have seen in a long time. Needed more  jelly and pepper. Pastry thick with doughy inside but very tasty.

Score   8.0/10

Kevin   Everything a good pie should be.

Score   9.0/10 


Fetcher   Kevin

Fetch   Haighs Farm Shop , Mirfield.

Price   80p

Average   8.3

Pie Meeting Saturday 20th October 2012

World Events

Man in Cardiff drove around town knocking people down. 1 dead, 2 critically injured. 

Chief Whip Andrew Mitchelle resigns over “Plebgate” . He allegedly called police on the Downing Street Gate F****** Plebs for not letting him through the main gate on his bike.

Police are digging for Ben Needham, the toddler lost on Kos in 1991. 

Rolling Stones announce 50th anniversary concerts in London and the USA.

Austrian Parachutist breaks the Sound Barrier falling from the Edge of Space.


The Horse Frankel has won his 14th consecutive race. 

Leeds supporter assaults Sheffield Goal Keeper. 

England in draw with Poland 1 - 1.


Howard   Small, looked sad. Soft pastry but tasty. Well filled with tasty meat. Plenty of jelly. Enjoyed it.

Score   8.0/10

Mark   Small, soft pastry, tasty rubbery jelly. Tasty meat.

Score   5.5/10

Peter   Pale, soggy pastry, very little taste,

Score   3.0/10

Tim   Sad looking pie, soggy pastry, very small, not a lot of meat. Lots of tasteless jelly. Not fresh, salty.

Score   3.0/10

Kevin   Anaemic looking unattractive, soft soggy pastry, bland meat. Shop said it was fresh, they lied. Fetcher’s privilege invoked so.

Score   4.0/10


Fetcher   Kevin

Fetch   Marshall’s Bakery Bradford.

Price   98p

Average   4.7

Pie Meeting Saturday 27th October 2012

World Events

BBC troubles over Jimmy Savile go on and on. Catholic Church to revoke J Saville’s Papal Knighthood.

Sir Norman Betteson West Yorkshire Chief Constable resigns over his part in Hillsborough Disaster.

Recession is officially over with 1% growth in economy. 

Transit van production ends in UK.

Ceefax stops with switch to digital TV.

Skyfall Best Bond Film ever launched.


John McCririck axed from Channel 4 racing, Clair Balding now in charge.

Lance Armstrong’s name to be wiped from the Cycling history books.

English Football Clubs doing badly in Europe.


Kevin   Fresh, crunchy packed with jelly. Coarse firm meat. Little bit of afterburn. Succulent meat. Liked it.

Score   9.0/10

Tim   Good sized pie, properly baked. Thin,crispy pastry.Good jelly. Nice porky meat, well seasoned. Good pie.

Score   8.5/10

Richard   Greasy,lardy thick pastry, spamy meat, very average. ( What does he know, he's almost a vegetarian )

Score    5.0/10   

Mark   Salty pie, lots of pepper and afterburn. Thin crispy pastry, good colour,rustic finish.

Score 8.0/10

Peter   Proper pie, looked good and tasted very good. Well filled.

Score   8.5/10


Fetcher   Peter

Fetch   Andrew Jones of Marsh, Huddersfield.

Price   £1.25

Average   7.8


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