January 2003   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


January 2003 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2003

Pie Meeting Saturday 4th January 2003

World Events

Two ships hit sunken Tricolor.

Two girls gunned down in Birmingham.


Everton beaten by Shrewsbury.


John Chip shop pie from Lancashire, congealed jelly.

Score 4.0

Kev Pale, recognised the meat, soggy pastry

Score 6.5

Bob A champ

Score 7.0

Pete No comment

Mark Fresh

Score 5.0

Phil Too much jelly

Score 2.0


Fetcher   Phil

Source   Morley Market (new fetch)

Price   50p

Average   4.9

Pie Meeting Saturday 11th January 2003

World Events

Arc Royal sails out to Gulf

Ricin found 7 asylum seekers suspected

Maurice Gibb died of heart attack


England beat Australia (test)

Phil Taylor knocked out of darts


Stuart Enjoyed it, chunky pink, porky meat. (Is it Jones?)

Score 8.0

Kevin Was it an Andrew Jones pie? Full, crunchy pastry

Score 9.0

Tim Salty, lacked flavour

Score 7.5

Bob Burnt, did not like pastry

Score 6.0

Pete Corking pie

Score 8.5

John Lovely pastry, full pie, chewy meat

Score 8.5


Fetcher   John

Source   Brooster Farm Shop (Andrew Jones)

Price   58p

Average   7.9

Meeting Saturday 18th January 2003

World Events

Policeman killed in Manchester raid

Matthew Kelly innocent or guilty?

Iraq crisis escalates

Fire fighters will strike on Tuesday


15 year old sails Atlantic

England cricketers beat Sri Lanka


Pete Dessert pie, pastry nice, Excellent pie

Score 8.5

John Fresh, chunky meat, jelly all in one corner

Score 7.5

Stuart Ultra fresh, nutty, succulent, jelly on one side

Score 9.0

Kev How do you keep so much jelly in it? Was it Metcalfes?

Score 9.0

Richard Too much jelly, pastry hard, lovely meat

Score 7.5

Bob Nice crisp pastry, lots of jelly

Score 8.0


Fetcher   Bob

Source   Thewlis

Price   60p

Average   8.25

Meeting Saturday 25th January 2003

World Events

BNP Councillor elected in Mixenden

Student heckles Blair at dinner re Iraq war

Bush prepared to wage war despite absence of inspectors find

FTSE falls 10 days in a row for first time in history

Tube crash


Serena Williams beats Venus again

Gillingham holds Leeds to a draw

Dagenham and Farnboroughs

Dreams are over


Pete Dinky, smart looking pie, fresh, not much jelly. Enjoyed it

Score 8.0

Stuart Nutty, crunchy, fresh, greasy bottom. Oatmeal content, lacked spice

Score 6.5

Kev A Heseltines pie? Small, husbandry has let it down needed to breathe

Score 7.5

Richard Nice glaze, tart shape, nice meat, well filled

Score 7.5


Fetcher   Richard

Source   Todds Pork Butchers, Leeds City Market (Kirkgate) (New fetch)

Price   50p

Average   7.4


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