June 2003   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


June 2003 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2003

Meeting Saturday 7th June 2003

World Events

Golden Jubilee of Queens Coronation.

Liverpool Awarded European City Of Culture 2008.

Saddams Daughters Want To Come To England Home Office Says No.

Small Plane Hits Flats in L.A Not Terrorists.

Accident Group Texts Employees They Are Sacked.

UK Beagle II Heads For Mars.


Seaman Goes To Manchester City FC.

Beckam Rumoured For Queens O.B.E

Sarena Williams Loses French Open.


Phil Only Criticism Small, Lovely Pastry, Nice Jelly, Nice Meat, Well Done John.

Score 8.5

Stuart All Look The Same But I had To Pick The Bad Un, Is It From Grangers Of Slaithwaite?

Score 6.5

Kev To Small But What I Got Was Great, Crusty Tasty Pastry, nice Jelly, Nice Meat, Nice Fresh Pie.

Score 8.5

John Small Tall Pie, Crispy Flavoursome Pastry, Course Meat, Peppery, Tasty Jelly.

Score 7.0


Fetcher John

Fetch Hartleys Confectioners (Brighouse)

Price 62p

Average 7.6

Meeting Saturday 14th June 2003

World Events

Old Bridge Inn in Michelin Good Food Guide.

Gregory Peck Dies Aged 87.

Army Tank Crash On The M1 Returning From The Gulf.

Blair Puts EX-Flat Mate In Top Job.

Still No Go For Euro.


England Win 2-1 Against Slovakia.

Beckham Sold By Alex, But to Who?

England Beat All Blacks 15-13.


Mark A Tale Of Two Crusts, Top Almost A Puff Pastry The Rest Thin & Crispy Both Excellent, Meat Pink & Flavoursome, A Little Spice, No Jelly.

Score 8.5

John Fray Bentos Top, Sides Thin & Very Fresh, Course Meat, No Jelly But Moist, Distinctive Flavour.

Score 9.0

Kevin Big Pie, See Through Bottom Pastry With A Puffy Top, Pink Flavoursome Meat, Fresh, A Great Pie From Scotland.

Score 9.5

Phil Unique For This Area, Top Pastry Different To The Casing, Nice Fine Meat, Maybe A Hint Of Onion, No Jelly, Big Pie Enjoyed It.

Score 8.0


Fetcher Kevin

Fetch WTS FORSYTH & SONS, Peebles, Scotland, Tel:01721 720 833

Price 71p

Average 8.75

Meeting Saturday 21st June 2003

World Events

Pie Club Trip To Races.

New Harry Potter Book, Millions Sold In Advance.

737 Goes Missing Where Is It?.

Happy Birthday Prince William (21).


England Beats Pakistan (Cricket).

Bentley Wins La Mans.

Beckham Goes To Real Madrid


Kevin Big Pie Attractive, Tasty Pastry, Lots Of Jelly, Compressed Meat, Fresh, Tasty.

Score 8.5

Richard Tasty, Jelly & Meat, Pastry A Bit Rich And Sticky, Lots Of Jelly.

Score 9.0

Pete Bloody Big Pie, Fresh, Moist, Lean, Good Flavour.

Score 8.5

Phil Looks Like A New Fetch, Sturdy Pie, Fine Meat, Lots Of Jelly, Bit Dry.

Score 8.5

Stuart Chunky, Robust Looking Pie, Oceans Of Jelly.

Score 8.0

John Another Chunky Pie, Lovely Pastry, Lots Of Jelly, Enjoyed The Meat, A Bit Luncheon Meaty.

Score 8.0


Fetcher Stuart

Fetch Trevor Wadsworth, Quarmby, Tel:01484 31394

Price 50p

Average 8.4

Meeting Saturday 28th June 2003

World Events

Osama Bin Laden Gate Crashes Royal Party.

Alistair Campbell In A Spin.

6 Military Police Murdered In Iraq.

Environmental Health Clampdown On Fag Ends In Halifax Town Centre.

Dennis Thatcher Dies.


Henman Through To Second Week Of Wimbledon.

Footballer Dies While Playing Aged 28.


Phil A Little Pie, Thin Pastry (Bit Bland), Very Very Nice Meat, Peppery, Didn't Recognise It.

Score 7.5

John Short Pastry, Pastry Lacked Salt, Course Meat, Peppery, Moist, A Decent Pie.

Score 7.5

Richard Lonely Meat, Real Pork, Nice Jelly, Pastry Not The Best Ever.

Score 9.0


Fetcher Richard

Fetch Count's Butcher, Leeds Road, Harogate.

Price 70p

Average 8.0


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