September 2014   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


September 2014 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2014

Pie Meeting Saturday 5th September 2014

World Events

US President Obama went to Stonehenge after NATO summit in Wales. 

Russia and Ukraine announce ceasefire. Will Putin turn off the gas? Lets get fracking!

British Boy with brain tumor now going to Prague on private plane for treatment.

Woman in London beheaded.


Roseberg reprimanded by Mercedes for driving into back of Hamilton.

England beat India in one day international.

Halifax Town win again.

Yorkshire beat Lancashire in County Championship by an innings and 18 runs.

Kell Brook World Champion  Yorkshire Boxer  stabbed in leg in Teneriffe at 6.30 am.


Mark   Sticky mess on the top, nice crispy pastry, lots of jelly, coarse tasty meat,loads of spice. Really enjoyed it.

Score   9.5/10

Tim   Good looking pie, fresh, sticky sweet claggy pastry, nice jelly, no afterburn, better than average. 

Score   6.0/10

Howard   Coarse tasty meat, little spice, nice amount of tasty jelly, some of which had soaked into pastry, good fresh pastry. Crunchy. Topping let it down which stuck to top of my mouth.

Score   8.0/10

Peter   Golden brown pastry, very fresh and well filled with tasty porky meat. I liked it, a typically good West Yorkshire pie probably one of the three best pie makers we have.

Score   8.5/10

Kevin   Sticky, crunchy fresh pastry,moist meat no spice but did not need it. Well filled.Looked a proper pie, value for money!

Score   9.0/10


Fetcher   Kevin

Fetch   Haigh’s Farm Shop of Mirfield.

Price   85p

Average   8.2

Pie Meeting Saturday 13th September 2014

World Events

Oscar Pistorias guilty of Manslaughter – not sentenced yet.

Ian Paisley dies at 88 years.

Scotland vote for independence on a knife edge.


Kevin   Pastry was soft,salty, no jelly,coarse crumbly meat, lots of onion and sage, quite liked it.

Score   7.5/10

Tim   Pastry needed work, nice well seasoned meat.

Score   6.0/10

Peter   Big and dull looking.Pastry very soft, very dry pie with jelly. Very seasoned with sage and onion. Pork pie but not  as we know it.

Score   6.0/10

Mark   Hefty and dull looking. Well seasoned flavoursome meat. Needed jelly. Very fresh.

Score   7.5/10


Fetcher   Mark

Fetch   From R Turnbull and Alnwick Northumberland.

Price   £1.30

Average   6.75 

Pie Meeting Saturday 27th September 2014

World Events

Scots vote to stay in the UK 55% to 45%. Is this the high watermark of the Scottish Nationalists.

UK have done first sortie in Iraq against Islamic State.

Labour Party Conference. Promised mansion tax to fund the NHS. Leader Milliband spoke for over an hour and did not mention the deficit.

Tory MP ( second in a month) left to go to UKIP.

Dave Lee Travis gets 3 months suspended sentence over groping incident in the 90’s.


Ryder Cup – Europe in the lead.

Hamilton now in the lead for World Championship.

Bradley Wiggins has won the world time trial.


Peter   Tall quite narrow pie. Very crispy,fresh and tasty pastry.  Well filled with succulent meat. Just enough jelly to add spice to the meat. A really good pie.

Score   9.0/10

Howard   Tall slender pie, almost artisan with wobbly base.Very crispy fresh pastry.Coarse tasty meat. Nice amount of jelly. Afterburn with it. Enjoyed it.

Score   9.0/10

Mark   Crispy pastry. Nutty flavour. Nice tasty jelly, coarse ground meat with lots of spice.

Score   8.0/10


Fetcher   Mark

Fetch   Grange’s of Slaithwaite. Mark admitted they were Tour De France Day Pies from July and boosted in the oven from Frozen!

Price   £1

Average   8.6


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