January 2004   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


January 2004 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2004

Meeting Saturday 8th January 2004

World Events

Tsunami Disaster Gets Worse.

Elvis Would Have Been 70 Years Old This week.

Chief Constable Of Ireland Blames IRA For Bank Robbery.


Ellen Macarthur Breaks World Record.


Richard Attractive, Too Much Castle Wall Effect, Crunchy Pastry & Meat.

Score 7.0

Bob Fresh, Great Start To New Year.

Score 7.0

Phil Fresh Pie, Moist Meat.

Score 7.5

Pete Great, Lovely Pastry.

Score 7.5

John Heavy Pie, Impressed, Fresh, Soggy Pastry, Jelly On One Side, Peppery.

Score 7.5

Kevin Plenty Of Pastry, Meat Pie, Best Pie Of The Year!.

Score 7.0


Fetcher Kevin

Fetch Haighs Farm Shop Mirfield

Price 45p

Average 7.25

Meeting Saturday 15th January 2004

World Events

Prince Harry Dresses As A Nazi At Party.

Jerry Springer the Musical Causes A Storm Of Controversy.

Tories Will Allow Home Owners To Use Force To Defend Against Burglars.


Chelsea Go Ten Points Clear (Football).

Henman Retires From Davies Cup Team.


Phil Looks Like A Meat & Potato Pie, Fresh, Well Filled, Nice Meat With A Hint Of Sage.

Score 8.0

John Pale Pastry, Looks Like A Chip Shop Pie, Lovely Peppery Meat, Really Enjoyed It.

Score 8.0

Kevin Pale Pastry, But Nice & Nutty, I Could Taste Sage Too But No Jelly In Mine.

Score 8.5

Mark Looks Grim, Not Sure If It Was Fresh, Thin Crispy Pastry, Loads Of Jelly.

Score 7.5

Richard Ultra Fresh, Lovely Pie.

Score 8.5

Pete Fresh Today At Midday, Lovely Pie.

Score 9.0


Fetcher Pete

Fetch Michael Thewliss Golcar

Price ??p

Average 8.25


Meeting Saturday 22th January 2004

World Events

66 Year Old Woman Has Baby.

Yorkshire Ripper Gets Out For Day.


Ken Bates Buys Leeds (Football).


Phil Very Fresh, Nasty Not Nice.

Score 4.5

Kevin Very Fresh, Inoffensive.

Score 8.0

Bob Lovely Taste, Lovely Afterburn, Pleasing.

Score 7.5

Guest OK, Lacked Pepper, Nice.

Score 5.0

Peter Fresh, Not Bad, Thin Pastry.

Score 7.5

Guest Lardy.

Score 3.0

Mark Fresh, Thin Pastry, Stodgy, Lacked Spice.

Score 7.5

John Small Hard Crunchy, Plenty Of Jelly, Not Much Flavour.

Score 6.5


Fetcher John

Fetch Richardson's Ambers Thornton

Price 43p

Average 6.2

Meeting Saturday 29th January 2004

World Events

Iraq Elections Tomorrow.

Scotsman Found Not Guilty After 18 Years On Death Row.

Lady In The Lake Case Husband Goes To Prison After 30 Years.


Chelsea Knock Manchester United Out OF Carling Cup (Football).


Pete Olde World Looking Pie, Looks Home Made, Fresh, Nice Meat, Porky.

Score 7.0

John An Up-Market Pie, Very Fresh, Attractive , Nice Colour, Good quality Meat, Enjoyed It.

Score 7.0

Phil We Have Had This Style Of Pie Before, This One Is Better, Very Nice Meat, Well Filled.

Score 6.0

Richard Attractive, Country Fete Pie, Nice Glaze, Peppery Meat, Too Much Pastry For Me.

Score 7.0

Mark Nice Peppery Meat, Fresh, Nice Jelly, The Best Hand Raised Pork Pie Ever!

Score 7.0


Fetcher Mark

Fetch Pilcher & Newman 

Price 85p

Average 6.8


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