January 2008   




Artisan Class


1st Honley Village  Butchers – pork, chorizo, goats cheese & sweet chilli sauce 
2nd Keith Dyson – full English breakfast
3rd Honley Village Butchers – pork, chicken & stuffing
4th J. Thomas of Helmsley 
5th E. Middlemiss – pork, stuffing & Yorkshire chutney


Traditional Class


1st Hoffman’s of Wakefield 
2nd Wilson’s of Crossgates, Leeds 
3rd Broster’s of Lindley, Huddersfield.
4th Honley Village Butchers, Huddersfield.


January 2008 PDF Print E-mail
Pie Club Meetings 2008

Pies 5 January 2008



World Events



100,000 people per week getting Noro virus.


Gas and Electicity going up 17 %


Oil is 100 $ a barrel


House prices fall at last.


Kenya in turmoil


Richard Neville was judge of pork pies at Alec’s 100th birthday party.


Five fatal stabbings this year.




Paul O’Donnell footballer with Motherwell died on the pitch.


Huddersfield knocks Birmingham out of Cup 2 - 1.


Halifax beat Huddersfield Giants (reserves)





Richard – Best pie all year!  Meat to die for..Fresh course,succulent meat. Crispy pastry.one of the best we have had.    9


Peter – Supberb pie,crispy nutty pastry. Delicious meat, porky and tasty.  9


Mark -  As above, Granges’s of Slaithwaite    9


John – Golden pastry, tall pie. Great model of a pork pie. Course tasty meat. Lovely jelly. Void between meat and top of pie.   8


Stuart – Fresh well filled. Really enjoyed it.  8.5


Kevin – Grangers pie. Pastry was burnt and tasted burnt. Hollow top. Tasty jelly and succulent meat.     7


Bob -   Enjoyed it. Good afterburn. Fresh pastry.   9



Grange’s of Slaithwaite.  80p Average =  8.8 

12 January 2008



World Events


Peter’s birthday today. 58 and does not look a day over 48. ( Peter is writing this)


John is a Grandad. Avy ( girl)  6lb 11oz. 


ID theft – Jeremy Clarkson and Chairman of Barclay’s get stung for £500 and £10000 respectively


Sir Edmund Hiliary,first man on Everest. Dies at 88 years. Hiliary Clinton makes a comeback


Asda will fine people for using disabled parking spaces.


Parking fines are to go up.




Man Utd beat Newcastle Utd 6 – 0 and Sam Alladyce loses his job as manager


Harry Rednap turns the job down.





Mistake made today. 2 fetchers today.


1St Pie


Peter – Tasty pie,deep pie, a little soggy,succulent good pie 8


Phil – Spongy on the sides,bit a jelly, quite like a Stuart Booth pie. 7.5


John – Golden pastry,soggy pastry. Plenty of pepper,good pie 7.5


Mark – Fresh,nice pie.Well filled. Good tasty meat, good jelly. 8.5


Kevin – Full of meat. Spicy, prime meat. Thin pastry  9


Bob – Pleasant, well filled. Not sure it was fresh. Spicy. 7


Bruce – Belter of a pie. Deep,well filled. Spicy nice afterburn. Just right amount of jelly. Slightly soggy. Well glazed.  Best pie of the year.       9



Richard – Disappointed with soft pastry. Lovely pie. Meat was great. Well filled. Brosters Farm shop.  Ave mark 8 cost 85p



2Nd Pie



Kevin – Did not like pastry,burnt. Meat was ground to a paste. Could only taste pepper. Did not like it.                                                  1.5


Bob -  Grey meat, spicy, liked it.              7


Bruce – Wholemeal pastry. Very dry pastry. Meat was a shock. Chewing for ever. Was it a beef pie? Did not enjoy it.Mark for round ,mark for pastry and one for luck 3


Richard – Cut into it and reminded me of a pathologist’s specimen. Persisted with it. 5


Peter – Dessicated pie. Fossilised pie. Cross section looked like a slide of liver, with holes, perhaps George Best’s liver.   4


Phil – Thin pastry. Peppery meat.    6


John – Looks like a pork pie but could be a vegetarian pie. Chewy, could not taste any pork. New fetch gone wrong.    2


Mark –. Pastry,jelly and something else not sure it was meat.    3


Steven Morris from Loughborough.  95p   Ave mark =  3.9

Pies 19 January



World Events


Boeing 777 crash lands at Heathrow. First Officer Coward is a hero. Gas and Electric going up by 15%. Rains keeps on going all week. Brighouse blobbers blob on the 25 anniversary reunion meeting.


Royal Navy lose a laptop with names and addresses of personnel


Bobby Fischer, Chess champion dies at 64.




Kevin Keagan gets Newcastle managers job and first match they draw against Bolton.

Andy Murrey out of Australian Open. Australia lost chance to set a new world record for successive test wins after losing to India.






Peter - Greasy, lardy thick pastry. Made your lips shine like lipstick.Little spice in the very finely ground meat slurry.      2.5


Phil  -  Big pie, biscuity pastry. Liberal amount of jelly.  Lacked something. Fell apart. Lot of salt. Not bad                  6


Mark – Pastry was dire, soft and nasty. Hard work to get to the meat. Big pie and this was a problem. Meat spicy but nothing to write home about.     4.5


John – Large pie. Tasted burnt. Was soft biscuity pasty. Dog meat. Tasteless and salty jelly. Did not look bad.                                                      2.5



Kevin – Looked a good pie with a shiny top. Under baked biscuit pastry. Very salty. Soft chewy meat.                                                                 5



John Edwards – Pastry biscuity and greasy. Not unpleasant and fulsome.   6


Bob -  Not fresh, poor pastry,     5


Bruce – Great looking pie. Extremely thick pastry. Meat was strange. Had plenty of jelly but much too salty.         5



Ellisons of Cullingworth. 75p. Ave = 4.6

25 January 2008



World Events


Fire bomb in Taxi office in Ripponden.


French finance trader loses 3.5 billion.


Duke of Wessex child in hospital


Floods in West Yorkshire and every where else


Peter Hains forced to resign for police investigation


Israelis blockade power and supplies.




Bob reckons the fight of the year this with Joe Calzghie


Kerin Falon banned for cocaine use.


Havant and Waterlooville Football Club put up a good fight against Liverpool. 5 -2


Newcastle lose again.













Mark -  Very fresh pie. Flat funny shape,full of jelly, favoursome course grain meat.Very crispy pastry.      9


Colin – Nice meat and jelly. Touch too much pepper. Bit cold.  6.


Maria ( sister in law of Neil Young, Bob says the greatest left winger Man. City ever had.)


Salty, too much pepper. Fresh crispy pastry  8


Phil – Fresh, crispy packed pastry. Loads of salt and pepper.  8


Kevin – Not a ladies pie! Fresh crispy salty, Michael Thewlis has done well. 8.5


Bob -  Lot of pepper. Pastry great. Jelly and meat was superb.      8


Peter – Fresh, crispy succulent meat and lovely jelly. A superb pie. 9


Michael Thewlis of Slaithwaite  80p  Ave = 8.1


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